Approval to award Invitation to Bid E-28-23, Mulch, to the lowest responsive and responsible bidders, Advanced Mulch, Inc., (Item K), and East Coast Mulch, (Items A, B, L, and M), for annual open-end contracts. The estimated annual cost to the City of Pompano Beach for mulch is $130,000.00.
(Fiscal Impact: $130,000.00.)
(Staff Contact: Robert McCaughan)
Summary Explanation/Background:
The City of Pompano Beach (City) issued Invitation to Bid (ITB) E-28-23 to establish annual open-end contracts for the purchase of mulch products for grounds maintenance to be ordered as needed. Products included in the ITB are mulch made of recycled wood dyed brown and red, and engineered wood fiber, delivered or installed. The City of Pompano Beach issued this ITB as the lead agency for the South Florida Governmental Purchasing Cooperative, on behalf of the City and (20) twenty other governmental agencies. Primary bid award is recommended to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder per item as previously described. Alternate bid awards are recommended to the remaining responsive bidders and are to be used should the material be unavailable from the primary awardees. All awards are at the unit prices bid per item. Based upon the prices bid, and the City’s portion of the estimated contract usage, annual expenditures for mulch products could total $130,000.00. The contract period is one year, commencing upon award by the Commission, with possible contract renewals as stated in the ITB specifications. City Commission approval is requested.
Origin of request for this action: Staff
Fiscal impact and source of funding: $130,000.00 in as-needed mulch purchases will be made from funds in account 001-3040-530.46-10 Repair and Maintenance / Land Building Improvements.