Meeting Date: JANUARY 7, 2025
Request: Major Site Plan
P&Z# 24-12000005
Owner: Broward County Board of County Commissioners
Project Location: 3201 W Copans Rd
Folio Number: 484228070040, 484221000201, 484221000221
Land Use Designation: I (Industrial)
Zoning District: I-1 (General Industrial)
Commission District: 4 (Beverly Perkins)
Agent: Patricia Ramudo (561-702-1003 / patricia.ramudo@arcadis.com)
Project Planner: Lauren Gratzer (954-786-7792 / lauren.gratzer@copbfl.com)
The applicant is requesting Major Building Design approval in order to construct a new 215,801 square foot bus maintenance building and two (2) 140 square foot guard houses along with new bus staging and electric charging areas, new employee and fleet parking areas, upgraded stormwater retention areas, and associated landscaping. The total footprint of all existing and proposed buildings on site is 175,360 square feet on a 1,175,216 square foot (26.98 acre) site, a total lot coverage of 14.92%. The site plan was reviewed by the Development Review Committee four times (in July, September, November, and December of 2024).
The property is located north of W Copans Road, abutting the east side of the Florida Turnpike, and west of Blount Road.
Pursuant to Section 155.2205, Code of Ordinances, the Architectural Appearance Committee may require such changes in plans and specifications as, in its judgment may be requisite and appropriate to ensure that the exterior appearance of buildings and structures enhances the aesthetic character of the surrounding development by complying with the architectural appearance standards of this Code and approved design guidelines.
Zoning | Existing Uses
A. Subject property (Zoning | Existing Use): I-1 (General Industrial) | Broward County bus maintenance and operations facility
B. Surrounding Properties (Zoning District | Existing Use):
a. North - I-1/PCI (General Industrial/ Planned Industrial District) | Broward County-owned land with natural vegetation/land conservation area
b. South - I-1 (General Industrial) | Distribution center
c. East - I-1/PCI (General Industrial/ Planned Industrial District) | Broward County-owned land with natural vegetation/land conservation area and a warehouse/distribution center
d. West - P (City of Coconut Creek - Park) | Tradewinds Park and the Florida Turnpike
If approved by the Architectural Appearance Committee, staff recommends including the following conditions:
1. The overall site shall maintain a minimum of 20% pervious area in accordance with the I-1 Zoning district intensity and dimensional standards (Section 155.3402.C). Any future development of the portion of the property listed as "existing natural undeveloped area" shall be limited by this requirement.
2. The proposed parking spaces south of building 2 shall be redesigned to provide the minimum required dimensions of 9'x18' (Section 155.5102.I.1), continuous curbing (Section 155.5102.C.9), landscape islands at the end of each row (Section 155.5203.D.4.b), and a landscape island between the abutting/head-to-head parking rows (Section 155.5203.D.4.c).
3. For any project proposing phased work, the owner/contractor shall install all required site landscaping (perimeters, buffers, parking area landscaping, etc.) prior to issuance of the first Temporary Certificate of Occupancy and/or Certificate of Occupancy.
4. The three subject folios shall be unified as one with a Unity of Title as one development site, prior to Zoning Compliance Permit approval.
5. Standard Conditions of Approval and/or Specifications required prior to Building Permit / Zoning Compliance Permit issuance:
a. All signage shall obtain their own individual building permits.
b. The applicant shall provide evidence of compliance for the points used for the Sustainability Narrative as submitted to the DRC by the time of building permit approval in accordance with Table 155.5802: Sustainable Development Options and Points.
c. Plans are subject to compliance with all applicable Code requirements, including but not limited to DRC comments issued for this site plan.
d. Landscape and Irrigation Plans must comply with all Zoning Code requirements as verified by the City's Urban Forestry Division.
e. A copy of the CPTED plan approved by the Broward Sheriff's Office must be submitted for Zoning Compliance Permit approval.