File #: LN-23    Version: Name:
Type: DRC Submission Status: Passed
File created: 10/20/2020 In control: Development Review Committee
On agenda: 12/16/2020 Final action: 12/16/2020
Attachments: 1. 11/4 DRC Meeting Drawings, 2. 11/4 DRC Meeting Documents, 3. 12/16 DRC Meeting Documents, 4. 12/16 DRC Meeting Drawings


Development Review Committee

Meeting Date: December 16, 2020






Request:                     Minor Site Plan

P&Z#                     20-12000038

Owner:                     DFA, LLC

Project Location:                     205 NW 12 Ave

Folio Number:                     484234200010

Land Use Designation:                     I

Zoning District:                     I-1

Commission District:                     4

Agent:                      Brendan Murphy (949-279-9377)

Project Planner:                     Lauren Gratzer (954-545-7792) /






This project includes landscaping and parking layout modifications to an existing site. The application is being submitted in order to change the principal use of the property to a Heavy Equipment Establishment. This is the second review.




Staff Conditions:                      



Daniel Keester | <>

Review Complete Pending Development Order


-A platting determination letter from the Broward County Planning Council, confirms that replatting is not required, but defers to Broward County Planning & Development Management Division as to whether or not a plat note would be required for this prior to approval. The plat was restricted to 23,293 square feet of industrial use; however, the survey notes that the building footprint is 24,573 square feet.  If a portion of the building will be demolished, such that the total building area will be less than 22,293 square feet, than no additional action is required; however, if the building will exceed 23,293 the Applicant must provide a letter from Broward County Planning & Development Management Division advising if a plat note will be required.


-Land use for this parcel is Industrial, the zoning is I-1 (General Industrial).  Warehouses & offices (as noted on the site plan) are listed as permitted uses in this zoning district. 


-The property is accessed from NW 12 Avenue, and access is now shared between the two property owners where the right-of-way was vacated by Ordinance 93-51 (utility easement was retained).  No additional right-of-way is required.




David McGirr | <>

Review Complete Pending Development Order


11/23/20: The following comments must be addressed prior to the submission of these plans to the Building Division for formal plan review and permitting:


1. Clarify on civil plan C-1 what paving and curbing is proposed and what is existing.


2. The City has an existing 12” water main along NW 12th Avenue. Please overlay civil plan C-1 showing the 12” City water main and it’s appurtenances in relation to the proposed improvements. The overlay will provide clarity toward any potential location improvement conflicts. 


3. City Utility GIS information can be obtain from the City Engineering Dept. Please note that the GIS information is for reference only. It is the responsibility of the applicant to verify the location of the existing utilities located in the utility easement. Please contact GIS Manager Tracy Wynn at or at 954-545-7007.


4. Landscaping materials other than sod are not allowed within (5'''') five feet of any portion of City owned utilities within the public street right-of-way including meters, hydrants, service lines etc. Show the location of all existing City owned and maintained potable water mains and services, sanitary sewer mains or laterals and storm drainage lines on the proposed landscape plans. Upload 2019 COPB Engineering Standard street tree detail 316-1.


5. Submit a City Engineering Division permit application for the proposed on-site/off-site paving and curbing,  (At time of permitting)


6. Submit a copy of a contract or schedule of values for the project scope of work listed in comment number 5. (At time of permitting)


7. The proposed paving, grading and drainage plans (C-1) must be approved by the Broward County EPD Surface Water Management Division.




Jim Galloway | <>

Review Complete Pending Development Order


This P&Z application is able to meet all of the Fire Department requirements at this time for Site Plan Review.  However, the petitioner shall maintain all proper fire department access and water supply requirements as per chapter 18 of NFPA 1 as amended from time to time.

*Additional comments may follow throughout the remainder of the permitting process.  The buildings shall be in compliance with All NFPA Standards prior to receiving Fire Department approval.




Carpelo Jeoboam | <>

Review Complete Pending Development Order



Advisory Comments
A preliminary examination of the documents has been performed; additional comments may apply when completed plans and/or specifications have been submitted for permitting to the building department.
Buildings shall comply with all local, state and federal codes in effect at time of application, including FEMA Floodplain, NPDES and HVHZ regulations.

FBC_BCA 105.2.3 Public service agencies/other approvals. The building official shall require that the laws, rules and regulations of any other regulatory AHJ, and where such laws, rules and regulations are applicable and are known to the building official, shall be satisfied before a permit shall be issued. The building official shall require such evidence, as in his or her opinion is reasonable, to show such other approvals.

City Ordinance 53.16(A)(1) Construction sites and construction activities. construction sites and operations shall be required to maintain during and after all construction, development excavation or alteration operations, structural and non-structural best management practices with the intent to reduce pollutants and sediment in stormwater runoff.

FBC_BCA Compliance with the specific minimum requirements of this code shall not be in itself deemed sufficient to assure that a building or structure complies with all of the requirements of this code. it is the responsibility of the architect and/or engineer of record for the building, structure or facility to determine through rational analysis what design requirements are necessary to comply with 2017 FBC.

1. FBC_BCA 105.9 Asbestos. The enforcing agency shall require each building permit for the demolition or renovation of an existing structure to contain an asbestos notification statement which indicates the owner’s or operator’s responsibility to comply with the provisions of section 469.003 Florida Statutes and to notify the department of environmental protection of his or her intentions to remove asbestos, when applicable, in accordance with state and federal law. Contractor will be required to submit Broward County asbestos program certificate of submittal indicating that the statement of responsibility has been submitted.

2. FBC 3303.5 Water Accumulation. The enforcing agency will require provisions be made to prevent the accumulation of water or damage to any foundations on the premises or the adjoining property.

3. 1804.4 Site Grading. The ground immediately adjacent to the foundation shall be sloped away from the building at a slope of not less than one unit vertical in 20 units horizontal (5-percent slope) for a minimum distance of 10 feet measured perpendicular to the face of the wall. If physical obstructions or lot lines prohibit 10 feet of horizontal distance, a 5-percent slope shall be provided to an approved alternative method of diverting water away from the foundation. Swales used for this purpose shall be sloped a minimum of 2 percent where located within 10 feet of the building foundation. Impervious surfaces within 10 feet of the building foundation shall be sloped a minimum of 2 percent away from the building.

4. FBC_BCA It shall be the joint responsibility of any owner of real property upon which construction is occurring, and any contractor responsible for said construction, to ensure that all road rights-of-way remain free at all times of all construction waste and trash resulting from such construction, and that all waste and trash resulting from the construction are contained on the real property upon which the construction occurs.

5. FBC_BCA 109.3 Building Permit Valuations. The applicant for a permit shall provide an estimated permit value at a time of application. Permit valuations, shall include total value of work, including materials and labor, for which the permit is being issued, such as electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing equipment and permanent systems.





Scott Longo | <>

Review Complete Pending Development Order


The services of an independent, experienced, qualified and certified Security Crime Prevention/ CPTED Consultant are highly recommended for objective and credible security review integrity.
This review does not guarantee a crime will never occur; it is an effort to mitigate opportunities for crime and to help avoid any present and future security deficiencies, conflicts, or liabilities that might occur without any review.

CPTED Landscaping Standards
: Natural Surveillance

a. Ensure to design out all landscaping and lighting conflicts to avoid existing or future obstructions to Natural or Electronic Surveillance.

b. Ensure to design out existing or potential concealment/ ambush points to deter/ prevent criminal activity.

c. Maintain 2’ to 2.5’ foot maximum height for all hedges, bushes, low plants and ground cover.

d. Maintain an 8'' foot clear trunk without any obstructive limbs or foliage hanging down for canopy trees and tall plants that obstruct Natural &/ or Electronic Surveillance.

e. Note that young immature trees with 6” inch or less diameter trunks are excluded from this condition per code.

Parking Lot, and Adjacent Access Perimeters:

a. Parking lots have one of the highest crime rates therefore the following facts must be thoroughly acknowledged and addressed:

b. Explain how this mixed use development which includes residential housing, commercial office, retail spaces, etc., will securely operate the parking garage &/ or lot Access Control systems to avoid allowing non-legitimate unauthorized users and dangerous trespassers from breaching inside private property to burglarize, steal cars, commit robberies, sexual assaults & batteries, etc.

c. Vehicles have been burglarized in parking lots leading to significant property loss and the theft of personal identification which has resulted in identity theft fraud, therefore no security surveillance camera coverage gaps can exist (see Electronic Surveillance Section).

d. Violent Robbery incidents, primarily in parking lots, have resulted in serious personal injuries and death to both residents, guests, customers and employees, therefore no security surveillance camera coverage gaps can exist.

e. Ensure comprehensive parking lot area surveillance camera coverage/ capture. Show overlapping sight “cones”.




Kimberly Vazquez | <>

Review Complete No Comments


No comments.





Nathaniel Watson | <>

Review Complete Pending Development Order


1.                     Please note that additional comments may be forth coming contingent upon future submittals to the PAM and/or DRC review process. 


2.                     Please note on 011 LP-1P Landscape Plan that as per City Ordinance(s) §50.02(A) (4) and §100.35(E), street trees shall not be placed on top of or 5’of either side of any City owned utility infrastructure. Also, please note that no trees, shrubbery or obstruction shall be placed within a 3’ radius of a City owned sewer lateral cleanout or water &/or reuse meter.


3.                     Please exercise best management practices with regard to sedimentation and erosion control on and off-site of the proposed development.


4.                     Please procure Broward County EPD Surface Water Mgmt. approval or exemption for the proposed site development. Applicable during official e-plan submittal.


5.                     Please attach the following 2019 City Engineering Standard details as they apply:  #315-1 Typical Screen For Utilities, #316-1 Required Tree Locations.





Wade Collum | <>

Review Complete Pending Development Order


NOTE: P&Z #20-12000038. This is to accompany Bldg. Permit # 20-3307


1.                     Please revisit and clarify the required Type C Perimeter Buffers cross section as it is confusing as to tree locations and counts as well as wall locations per 155.5203.F.3.


2.                     Provide the previously approved landscape plan for this site.


3.                     Please update landscape plan to match the previously approved plan for the balance of the site. There appears to still be missing landscape islands and tree locations.


4.                     Please dilute the number of Green Buttonwoods and propose an additional large canopy tree species to dilute.


5.                     What is the large ‘dead space’ area between the West perimeter and the Heavy Equipment Area? If this area is not being used it can become pervious area with sod and trees to dissuade the storage of material.


6.                     All tree work will require permitting by a registered Broward County Tree Trimmer.


7.                     Provide a comment response sheet as to specifically how comments have been addressed at time of resubmittal.


8.                     Additional comments may be rendered a time of resubmittal.




Lauren Gratzer | <> 

Review Complete Pending Development Order


1. A type C perimeter buffer shall be provided along all perimeters of the site (155.4226.G). This type of buffers requires an opaque masonry wall at least 8’ tall with landscaping on either side of the wall (155.5203.F.3). The steel pickets illustrated on the plans are not an “opaque masonry wall,” and must be revised for all sides except the for the east property line per the approved CPTED waiver.


2. The site data table on the site plan mentions there is one loading space but it is not illustrated on the plan. Identify the one loading space area on the site plan. This space shall be a minimum of 12’x55’ (155.5102.M.2). The loading area shall be located adjacent to the building''s loading doors, in an area that promotes its practical use. The site plan shows a Heavy Equipment Display Area in the practical location for the loading space. Clarify how the trucks will access the loading space and the overhead doors at the rear of the building.


3. Provide the dimensions of the landscape buffers along the east and south property lines for clarification purposes.


4. The dead space between the west property landscape buffer and the designated Heavy Equipment Display and Storage area is not to be used for any equipment or storage. Additionally, this area does not provide for access to any other part of the property. Extend the landscaping to meet the edge of the designated display and storage area rather than leave it as pavement.


5. Some key information was changed on the site data table on the site plan. The Land Use Designation for this property is Industrial. The proposed use of the property is Heavy Equipment Establishment. These two things are not the same. Revise the table to state the correct land use designation and proposed use of the property.


6. Provide the height in feet on the site data table, not in stories.


7. The photometric plan must show the foot candles along the south and west property lines. Revise this plan to show this information in addition to what is currently shown. The minimum compliance is at least 1.0 foot-candle in the vehicular use area and a maximum of 3.0 foot-candles at the property line (155.5401.E).


8. How will Waste Management access the proposed dumpster? The current proposal has access to the dumpster blocked with storage. Show on the site plan the access route for the Waste Management trucks.


9. An easement agreement sign off by all agencies will be required at time of building permit to place the wall in the 6’ utility easement.





Beth Dubow | <>

Review Complete Resubmittal Required


1.                     Locating the trash enclosure behind the proposed outdoor storage is unacceptable.  A garbage truck cannot access the dumpster if it is blocked by items in the storage area.


2.                     A 40-foot non-obstructed approach for a garbage truck to the dumpster enclosure is required.  It is suggested to move the dumpster to the north a few feet outside of the storage area and in line with the drive aisle.  This will eliminate the possibility of the landscaped island getting run over, and it will give a garbage truck easy access and maneuverability. 


NOTE:  Owners of this commercial property are responsible for securing garbage collection service directly from Waste Management, Inc. 


NOTE:  Installation of bollards to protect the walls of the enclosure from the rolling dumpster is highly suggested.


NOTE:  Recycling collection is not required, but it is encouraged.  Recycling collection service may be obtained from a recovered materials hauler.


NOTE:  As stated in the Pompano Beach Code of Ordinances, Chapter 96, including Section 96.12(D)(1), all construction and demolition debris removal is the responsibility of the owner.  All solid waste generated within the geographic boundaries of Pompano Beach shall be collected by the franchise collector (Waste Management at the time of this writing) and disposed of as directed by the city disposal agreement.  All materials shall be generated from the property on which the materials are placed for removal.  Information regarding container size and hauling costs may be found in Chapter 96, Section 96.13.


NOTE:  Additional comments may be necessary based upon revisions, additional plans and/or documents.  Contact Beth Dubow at 954-545-7047 or should you have any questions or concerns regarding this review.