Meeting Date: DECEMBER 4, 2024
Request: Minor Site Plan
P&Z# 23-12000032
Owner: Oldcastle APG South Inc
Project Location: 1200 NW 18th Street
Folio Number: 484227480010
Land Use Designation: I (Industrial)
Zoning District: I-1 (General Industrial)
Commission District: 4 (Beverly Perkins)
Agent: John Tice (
Project Planner: Diego Guevara (954-786-4310 /
The applicant is requesting a Minor Site Plan approval for the construction of a new vehicular access from Andres Avenue to the property. The proposed driveway will be connected to the existing paved truck circulation. Also, a new pedestrian access will be provided and additional landscaping will be added. The project does not include any building addition or alteration.
Staff Conditions:
Max Wemyss | <>
Diego Guevara | <>
Status: Pending Resubmit
Provide a written response addressing all comments issued.
1. There is not an updated narrative on the submittal file. Update the narrative as required, and list all the changes to the property in the scope of work, including the new driveway connecting the two abutting properties.
2. Sec. 155.5101.G.8.a - Vehicle Stacking Space: This section requires uses where vehicles queue up to access a service facility to provide a minimum number of stacking spaces established in Table 155.5101.G.8.a, Minimum Stacking Spaces for Drive-Through and Related Uses. Otherwise, add the following note to the Site Plan: “Gates must be open during hours of operation.” The note must be added to the site plan. Otherwise, provide a site plan showing the location of the stacking line and the number of trucks occupying the stacking line. On a previous review, the applicant responded that the required note was added to the site plan; however, it has not been added. Add the note, use a larger size font and make it bold to make sure it is visible.
3. Connect the proposed driveway with the properties. It seems to be “floating”. Provide the width dimension of it. A two-way driveway must be at least 24 feet wide. The minimum width must be maintained along all the length of the driveway.
4. Add dimension showing the width at the narrowest point at the proposed entry. During the previous DRC meetings, the applicant aggrieved to add the note, however it has not been added to the plans.
5. Add dimension line showing the width at the narrowest point (goose neck) at the proposed entry.
6. Provide the required Building Base planting along the building facades that face the streets.
Wade Collum | <>
Status: Approved with Conditions
1. Include originally approved plan showing the foundation planting at time of permit submittal and note as such on the Landscape Plan(s). New plan shall include the foundation plantings along the building on both sides as per the original approved plan of record.
2. Note on landscape plans and irrigation plans. As per 155.5203.B.5.a thru e: Provide a NOTE; a rust free, automatic underground irrigation system installed in accordance with requirements of the Building Code, include a rain-sensing cutoff device, providing 100% coverage with 50% overlap.
3. Note on landscape plans and irrigation plans. Provide bubblers for all new trees and palms, staff could not locate bubbler callouts, please just provide a note on each individual sheet so as to not muddy the plan.
4. All tree work will require permitting by a registered Broward County Tree Trimmer.
5. Provide a comment response sheet as to specifically how comments have been addressed at time of permit submittal.
6. Additional comments may be rendered a time of resubmittal.
Jim Galloway | <>
Status: Authorized with Conditions
This P&Z application is able to meet all of the Fire Department requirements at this time for Site Plan Review. However, the petitioner shall maintain all proper fire department access and water supply requirements as per chapter 18 of NFPA 1 as amended from time to time.
*Additional comments may follow throughout the remainder of the permitting process. The buildings shall be in compliance with All NFPA Standards prior to receiving Fire Department approval.
David McGirr | <>
Status: Authorized with Conditions
The following comments must be addressed prior to the submission of these plans to the Building Division for formal plan review and permitting:
1. Submit / upload the (BCEPMGD) Broward County Environmental Protection and Growth Management Division Surface Water Management permit or exemption for the proposed paving and drainage shown on the civil engineering drawings.
2. Submit / upload a copy of the Broward County Traffic Engineering Division permit or exemption for the proposed off-site pavement marking and traffic signage plan.
3. Prior to the approval of the City Engineering Division, the City’s Planning and Zoning Division must approve these plans.
4. Submit / upload a copy of the Broward County Highway Construction and Engineering Division permit or exemption for the proposed street roadway improvements.
5. Submit / upload a City Engineering permit application at time of permit.
6. Submit / upload the 2022 City Engineering standard details for the proposed off-site road restoration, paving, curbing and sidewalks. These detail drawing may be obtained in pdf format from the City's website under departments /engineering.
7. Submit / upload a sediment and erosion control plan for the subject project.
8. Plan sheet 009 1.3 1-4 Irr. Is the 2" water meter proposed or existing? Please note on plan.
**** Please note - additional review comments may be issued by the City Engineering Division throughout the remainder of the permitting process while the civil engineering plans are being finalized for this project. ****
Nathaniel Watson | <>
If you have further question, please contact Nathaniel Watson directly.
Anthony Russo | <>
M-(561) 917-4556 (Call, Text & Email; No Voicemail)
Status: Authorized - No Review Required
PLEASE STAMP YOUR CPTED NARRATIVE & DIAGRAM "CONFIDENTIAL" Information contained in CPTED & Security Strengthening Narrative Documents & Diagram Drawings are considered Confidential Pursuant to Florida State Statutes 119.071 (3); 119.15 (6b1); 281.301 & 286.011. Dissemination of security plans should be limited to authorized personnel only. All CPTED & Security Strengthening Plans submitted to the City of Pompano Beach must be stamped “CONFIDENTIAL” to ensure restricted access.
The services of an independent, & highly experienced, qualified, & certified Security Crime Prevention/ CPTED Consultant are highly recommended to achieve & maintain objective credible security review integrity, & to expedite processing.
SAFETY & SECURITY REVIEWS do not guarantee a crime will never occur; it is an effort to mitigate opportunities for crime & to help avoid any present & future security deficiencies, conflicts, threats, breaches, or liabilities that might occur without any review.
When a Broward Sheriff’s Office CPTED Practitioner is required to assist in an inspection of the project during the Certificate of Completion &/or Certificate of Occupancy Application Phase, Security Strengthening & CPTED measures that have not been adequately addressed will still be required to ensure the safety & well-being of the employees, residents, tenants, visitors & all legitimate users of the site.
Please note that participation in the BSO No Trespassing Program is required. If this site is already on the program, then additional signage may be necessary along with an updated affidavit signed by authorized personnel. Please contact the BSO Pompano Beach C.P.T.E.D Advisor regarding placement of the No Trespass Signs.
Todd Stricker | <>
Status: Authorized with Conditions
A preliminary examination of the documents has been performed; additional comments may apply when completed plans and/or specifications have been submitted for permitting to the building department.
Buildings shall comply with all local, state and federal codes in effect at time of application, including FEMA Floodplain, NPDES and HVHZ regulations.
FBC_BCA 105.2.3 Public service agencies/other approvals. The building official shall require that the laws, rules and regulations of any other regulatory AHJ, and where such laws, rules and regulations are applicable and are known to the building official, shall be satisfied before a permit shall be issued. The building official shall require such evidence, as in his or her opinion is reasonable, to show such other approvals.
City Ordinance 53.16(A)(1) Construction sites and construction activities. construction sites and operations shall be required to maintain during and after all construction, development excavation or alteration operations, structural and non-structural best management practices with the intent to reduce pollutants and sediment in stormwater runoff.
City Ordinance 152.06(A): If applicable, contractor shall provide temporary screened fence complying with City Ordinance 152.06(B) through 152.06(G).
FBC 3306.1 Pedestrians shall be protected during construction, remodeling and demolition activities as required by this Chapter and Table 3306.1. Signs shall be provided to direct pedestrian traffic.
FHA Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, commonly known as the Fair Housing Act, prohibits discrimination in the sale, rental, and financing of dwellings based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin. In 1988, Congress passed the Fair Housing Amendments Act. The Amendments expand coverage of Title VIII to prohibit discriminatory housing practices based on disability and familial status.
FBC A201.1 This code establishes standards for accessibility to places of public accommodation and commercial facilities by individuals with disabilities. All new or altered public buildings and facilities, private buildings and facilities, places of public accommodation and commercial facilities subject to this code shall comply with 2020 FBC Accessibility.
FBC A221.1.1 Florida vertical accessibility. Nothing in this code relieves the owner of any building, structure, or facility governed by this code from the duty to provide vertical accessibility to all levels above and below the occupiable grade level, regardless of whether the ADA standards for accessible design require an elevator to be installed in such building, structure or facility.
FBC A206.2.1 Site arrival points. At least one accessible route shall be provided within the site from accessible parking spaces complying with FBC A502 and accessible passenger loading zones complying with FBC A209; public streets and sidewalks; and public transportation stops to the accessible building or facility entrance they serve.
FBC_BCA Compliance with the specific minimum requirements of this code shall not be in itself deemed sufficient to assure that a building or structure complies with all of the requirements of this code. it is the responsibility of the architect and/or engineer of record for the building, structure or facility to determine through rational analysis what design requirements are necessary to comply with 2020 FBC.
1. FBC_BCA 107.1 As per the building official, separate building applications will be required for erosion control, site work, temporary fences, monumental signage and miscellaneous site structures
2. F.S. 481.221(2) The enforcing agency will require digital signature panel to be active on all documents submitted for review to authenticate the serial number matches the submitted ESA. F.A.C. 61g1-16.005 Each sheet is required to be digitally or electronically signed, and bear the impress seal of, an architect or engineer (FBC_BCA
3. FBC_BCA All plans and/or specifications prepared by an architect or an engineer pursuant to the requirements of this code shall be hand signed, dated and sealed.
4. FBC 3303.5 Water Accumulation. The enforcing agency will require provisions be made to prevent the accumulation of water or damage to any foundations on the premises or the adjoining property.
5. FBC_BCA It shall be the joint responsibility of any owner of real property upon which construction is occurring, and any contractor responsible for said construction, to ensure that all road rights-of-way remain free at all times of all construction waste and trash resulting from such construction, and that all waste and trash resulting from the construction are contained on the real property upon which the construction occurs.
6. FBC_BCA 109.3 Building Permit Valuations. The applicant for a permit shall provide an estimated permit value at a time of application. Permit valuations, shall include total value of work, including materials and labor, for which the permit is being issued, such as electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing equipment and permanent systems.
7. FBC_BCA All plans for the building which are required to be signed and sealed by the architect or engineer of record contain a statement that, to the best of the architect’s or engineer’s knowledge, the plans and specifications comply with the applicable minimum building codes and the applicable fire-safety standards as determined by the local authority in accordance with this section and chapter 633, Florida Statutes.