Meeting Date: JANUARY 22, 2025
Request: Land Use Plan Amendment (LUPA)
P&Z# 24-92000001
Owner: City of Pompano Beach
Project Location: 1670 & 1502 NE 5 AV
Folio Number: 484225000010 & 484225000060
Land Use Designation: OR (Recreation Open Space)
Zoning District: PR (Parks and Recreation)
Commission District: 2 (Rhonda Sigerson-Eaton)
Agent: Steve Rocco (954-786-4135 /
Project Planner: Jean Dolan (954-786-4045 /
A. Request
The City is the Applicant to change the underlying land use on a 46.4 acre area within the Pompano Airpark, which includes and surrounds the Runway Protection Zone for Runway end 15 of Runway 15-33. The site, referred to as Parcel “T”, is proposed for amendment from Open Space Recreation (OR) on the City’s land use map and Parks and Recreation on the County’s land use map to Transportation (T) on both maps. Parcel T is south and adjacent to Copans Road and east and adjacent to NE 5th Avenue and makes up the northwest corner of the Pompano Airpark property.
B. Applicant’s Rationale for the Proposed Amendment
The Airpark was granted to the City as part of the Surplus Property Act of 1947/48. That conveyance requires that aviation be the primary use of the facility and no other uses on the property are allowed to significantly constrain airport operations. The last remaining aviation development parcel (Parcel YY, just north of the Goodyear Blimp Base) is currently being developed so the City is moving forward with removing the restrictions from the next phase of development parcels consistent with the FAA approved Airport Property Map. This triggers the need to correct the land use designation on the subject properties at the northwest end of Runway 15-33 and remove the environmental designations on the wooded areas adjacent to Runway 15-33 which already have an underlying land use of Transportation. The City is concurrently processing a separate Application to amend the Environmentally Sensitive Lands Map to remove the wooded areas on the Airpark.
C. Proposed Development and Net Change in Entitlements
The land subject to this land use plan amendment is being referred to as “Parcel T”. It has been divided into two individual tracts described as Parcel 1, which is 11.9 acres, and 2, which is 20.6 acres. These parcels are differentiated within Parcel T for two reasons. First, these areas are proposed for different types of aviation development in the impact analysis for this land use change. Second, the property in Parcel T that is not within Parcels 1 and 2 will remain vacant to accommodate the Runway Protection Zone (RPZ) for Runway 15-33. The net change in entitlements from converting the land use on Parcels 1 and 2 from Open Space/Recreation to Transportation is shown below.
Type of Use |
Current Entitlements (Open Space/Recreation - 10% lot coverage, 30’ height - 2 stories) |
Proposed Entitlements (Transportation - Based on 40% lot coverage, 1 story) |
Net Change |
Parcel 1 - Aviation Related Industrial (11.9-acres) |
103,000 SF |
207,000 SF |
104,000 SF |
Parcel 2 - Airplane Hangars (20.6 acres) |
179,000 SF |
358,000 SF |
179,000 SF |
Total building square footage |
282,000 SF |
565,000 SF |
283,000 SF |
The lot coverage for recreation land use and zoning is 10% and the height is 30 feet (in this case we’re using 2-stories due to the close proximity to the runway). The Transportation land use category does not have a specified intensity standard. The aviation uses to be developed on the subject tracts are not typical industrial uses which can have 65% lot coverage and 1-4 stories in height. Aviation-related industrial and airplane hangars are not built to the same lot coverage and height as traditional industrial uses due to the large areas needed to park, maneuver and service airplanes. Vertical and horizontal obstruction limitations near runways also limit the intensity to which airport property can be developed. For these reasons, the proposed intensity of development on these two areas will be relatively low at 40% lot coverage and one-story in height.
Surrounding Land Uses
The future land use designations and existing uses of the properties immediately surrounding the Airpark property are summarized as follows:
North of Copans |
South of NE 10th Ave |
West of NE 5th Street |
West side of US 1 |
Existing Use |
Retail Business Leisureville |
Community Park Youth Sports Complex Residential |
FEC ROW, Water Treatment Plant Public Works Complex |
Citi Centre Mall Residential Reclaimed water treatment plant Golf course |
City Land Use Plan Designation |
Commercial (C) Low 5 |
Parks and Recreation (PR), Community Facility (CF) LM 10 residential (LM 10) |
Utilities (U) |
Commercial (C), Irregular 29.5 and Open Space/ Recreation (OR) |
D. Impact Analysis
The results of the impact analyses from the above change in entitlements are provided below:
Sanitary Sewer
The net impact on sanitary sewer treatment demand from the change in entitlements is a decrease of 16,700 gallons per day (-0.0167 MGD). The City’s utility department has reviewed the projected decrease in sanitary sewer demand and confirmed their ability to continue to serve the proposed sanitary sewer treatment demand generated by the change of this parcel from Open Space/Recreation to Transportation.
Potable Water
The net impact on potable water demand from the proposed amendment is a decrease of 16,700 gallons per day (-0.0167 MGD). The City’s utility department reviewed the assumptions made in the Application and did not disagree with the projected decrease in potable water demand thereby confirming their ability to continue to serve the proposed potable water treatment and raw water supply demand generated by the change of this parcel from Open Space/Recreation to Transportation. The subject property is also within the reuse water service area and will continue to be irrigated with reclaimed water.
It should be noted that the City’s eastern wellfield is located on the Airpark and several wells are located on the property subject to this amendment. Though this wellfield is being phased out due to expected saltwater intrusion, the property will be developed in a manner that is sensitive to the wellfield. First, the zones of influence from well drawdown will be regulated in regard to hazardous materials. Second, appropriate setbacks and access considerations will be designed into future development plans to protect our infrastructure during both short-term construction activities and long-term business and wellfield operations.
The City of Pompano Beach completed a Citywide Stormwater Management Master Plan (SMMP) in 2013, which includes a list of recommended stormwater capital improvement projects throughout the City. The subject property was not identified as having any existing drainage issues and no capital improvements are proposed for the associated drainage basin in the SMMP.
Solid Waste
The net impact on solid waste demand from a maximum build-out of the proposed entitlements is an increase of 2,830 pounds per day. Waste Management provided a service provider letter confirming their ability to accept this increase in solid waste disposal demand.
Recreation and Open Space
The City’s level of service standard for parks is 5 acres per 1,000 residents. The City has enough park land to meet this standard for the projected population beyond the current planning horizon of 2040. A 33-acre portion of the parcel being converted to Transportation Land Use from the Open Space Recreation land use category was previously referred to as the “arboretum” on the City’s park inventory for purposes of meeting the County’s 3-acre per 1,000 population level of service standard for Community Parks. Even without this completely inaccessible 33 acres, the City is meeting the County’s 3-acres per 1,000 standard as well as the City’s 5-acre per 1,000 standard.
Mass Transit
The Airpark is served by several bus routes. The proposed project will have no significant impact on mass transit.
Traffic Impact
The trip generation under the proposed Transportation land use shows a decrease of 371 trips in the PM peak hour compared to the maximum buildout under the Opens Space/Recreation land use designation.
Natural and Historic Resources
No historic or archaeological resources will be affected by future development on the Airpark.
Affordable Housing
The proposed change from Open Space/Recreation to Transportation land use is not required to address affordable housing issues.
Land Use Compatibility
This proposed land use plan amendment is compatible with existing adjacent land use designations and existing land uses.
Hurricane Evacuation
The subject property is not within a hurricane evacuation area.
Redevelopment Analysis
The subject property is not located within one of the Community Redevelopment Areas.
Intergovernmental Coordination
The subject property is not adjacent to any other local government jurisdiction.
Public Education
The land uses on the Pompano Airpark are not residential and, therefore, have no impact on public school demand.
E. Consistency with Goals, Objectives and Policies of the City's Land Use Plan
The goals, objectives and policies in the Comprehensive Plan that apply to this project fall into three general categories:
(1) Specific Airpark and economic development related - the objective and policy that directly support this amendment are focused on maximizing the development of both the lands dedicated to aviation uses and those released for nonaviation uses as shown on the Airport Layout Plan (ALP). The ALP is the Plan that the FAA reviews and approves to ensure compliance with the Surplus Property Act deed restrictions applicable to the City’s operation and maintenance of airport property. The lands subject to this land use plan amendment are designated for aviation use on the ALP and the City is adjusting all other plans to be consistent with the ALP. The full utilization of the Airpark as an economic asset helps diversify and provide high quality jobs to the Pompano Beach economy thereby supporting the City’s economic development objectives.
Objective 02.06.00 - Pompano Air Park
Protect the aviation viability of the Pompano Air Park and promote it as an economic driver for aviation business development, as an overall economic asset as well as a location for non-aviation recreational and open space uses compatible with the Air Park’s Airport Layout Plan.
Policy 02.06.01
Promote the perpetuation of recreation and community facility uses on Air Park property as depicted on the Air Park’s Airport Layout Plan.
Objective 01.23.00 - Economic Development
Expand the economic base by attracting Class A office space and higher education institutional uses, continuing to support the industrial and manufacturing sectors while protecting tourism as well as the quality of life and delivery of services to local residents.
(2) Adequate service capacity of the existing infrastructure related - all land use plan amendments must do an impact analysis to ensure that the City has adequate facilities to serve additional demands that may result from a land use change. Service provider letters were obtained from the applicable service providers to ensure that all demands from the increased aviation uses can be supported by the City’s existing infrastructure capacity.
Policy 01.01.02
Review all proposals for development or redevelopment and base the approval of same on the continued maintenance of all adopted Level of Service Standards which may be adjusted over time to address the impacts of sea level rise and climate change.
Policy 01.01.03
Phase development concurrent with the availability or phasing of infrastructure, potable water, wastewater, transportation, solid waste, schools and drainage capacity.
Policy 01.06.12
Review all land use plan map amendments, rezonings and site plan applications to ensure that there is sufficient wastewater collection and treatment facilities, potable water resources available and if reuse water is available, require it be used, and that they pose no noxious impacts to the Biscayne Aquifer.
Policy 01.01.05
Review proposals for new development, including future land use plan amendments, to identify the cumulative impacts of the proposed development on public services and facilities.
Policy 01.01.11
Require that all future land use map amendments ensure the availability of potable water supplies and water supply facilities, and reuse where available.
(3) Compatibility and natural resource impact related - maximizing the economic potential of the Airpark property is infill development and is compatible with existing on-Airpark and adjacent land uses. It is recognized that the wooded areas that will be developed will remove trees from the secured airfield area, however, wooded areas are (1) not considered compatible with aviation land uses and (2) have not and will not be maintained. These vegetative communities were once characterized as sandpine with scrub. Maintenance of such areas require prescribed burns to control invasive plants and neither burning or wildlife attracting habitat are compatible with aviation operations. The City has already planted many trees along the perimeter of the Airpark to enhance the 5-mile multipurpose path and will continue to plant additional trees, particularly along NE 10th Street. Existing and additional trees along the perimeter will mitigate for the on-airfield tree removal; provide additional screening of the newly built hangars along the southern boundary of the Airpark; and provide trees in a location where they can be enjoyed by the public.
Policy 01.03.11
Consider the compatibility of adjacent land uses in all Land Use Plan amendments and rezonings.
Policy 01.03.13
Future industrial land uses shall be located with access to major transportation facilities including highways, airports, railroads, and seaports.
Policy 01.06.01
Consider and minimize the impacts that land use amendments, rezonings or site plan approvals have on natural resources, including wetlands, and culturally, historically, archaeologically and paleontologically significant resources.
Policy 01.14.01
The City shall emphasize re-development and infill, which concentrates the growth and intensifies the land uses consistent with the availability of existing urban services and infrastructure in order to conserve natural and man-made resources.
F. Alternative Motions
(1) Motion to recommend approval of the proposed Pompano Airpark Future Land Use Map Amendment as the Board finds the proposed map change compatible with adjacent uses and the Goals, Objectives and Policies in the Comprehensive Plan.
(2) Motion to table the proposed Future Land Use Map Amendment to allow further analysis of any issues raised by the Board, Staff, Applicant or the general public.
Staff recommends motion number (1).