File #: LN-171    Version: Name:
Type: DRC Submission Status: Held
File created: 7/27/2021 In control: Development Review Committee
On agenda: 8/18/2021 Final action: 8/18/2021
Attachments: 1. DRC, 2. DRC, 3. DRC, 4. DRC



Meeting Date: MAY 04, 2022






Request:                     Minor Site Plan

P&Z#                     21-12000030

Owner:                     Pompano Pak JV Land Holdings, LLC.

Project Location:                     777 Isle of Capri Circle

Folio Number:                     484203350010

Land Use Designation:                     RAC (Regional Activity Center)

Zoning District:                     PCD (Planned Commercial/Industrial  District)

Commission District:                     5 (Cyndy Floyd)

Agent:                      Michael Amodio (954-788-3400)

Project Planner:                     Max Wemyss (954-786-4671 /






The applicant is requesting MINOR SITE PLAN approval in order to reconstruct internal roadways identified as Main/Festival Street and a portion of the loop road connection to Powerline Road on the south end of the property, identified as phase 1 roadway improvements on the Live! District PCD Master Plan. Main/Festival Street will be designed as a one-way pair with a 36-foot median for future development. The improved roadway contain 7-12 foot wide multi-use sidewalks, as well as lighting, street furniture, landscaping, and street trees. The Powerline Road Connection will be designed as a 4-lane divided merging into a 2-lane undivided roadway. The improved roadway contain pedestrian sidewalks, 5-foot wide bike lanes, as well as lighting, street furniture, landscaping, and street trees.


The roadways are intended to be dedicated to the public.












Staff Conditions:                      



Plan Reviewer: Daniel Keester | <>

Status: Pending Development Order


¾                     Land use for this parcel is currently RAC, amended September 24, 2019.  The property was included in the platted subdivision "Arvida Pompano Park Plat," which was amended to restrict the property to 300,000 square feet of commercial use, 600,000 square feet of commercial recreation use, 450,000 square feet of office use, 500 mid-rise units and 350 room hotel.  Based on the amended RAC, the Plat may need to be updated; however, it is not required for this proposal.

¾                     The city has sufficient capacity to accommodate the proposal. 




Plan Reviewer: Max Wemyss | <>

Status: Pending Development Order


1.                     Prior Comments addressed.

2.                     Existing parking spaces and drive aisles that are affected by this scope of work may not be made nonconforming by this scope of work and must be demolished. All existing parking spaces and drive aisles to remain must meet minimum dimension and access requirements. No new striping and circulation may be established without proper plan review and approvals.




Plan Reviewer: Wade Collum | <>

Status: Pending Development Order


1.                     Provide a Value for tree #7 per Rule 14-40.030 of the Florida Administrative Code as amended.

2.                     As per 155.5203.D.4.d.: d    Driveways within vehicular use areas may include a center landscaped median provided the median: Is at least eight feet wide; Is maintained in grass, groundcover, shrubs , ornamental trees, or understory trees ; and is protected from vehicular encroachment by curbing.

3.                     Provide raddi of light poles proposed in median as there appear to be conflicts. As per 155.5401.C. remove light poles from required VUA areas. There still appears to be some conflicts.

4.                     All tree work will require permitting by a registered Broward County Tree Trimmer.

5.                     Additional comments may be rendered at time of resubmittal.

6.                     Please provide a detailed comment response sheet to comments.




Plan Reviewer: Jim Galloway | <>

Status: Pending Development Order


This P&Z application is able to meet all of the Fire Department requirements at this time for Site Plan Review. However, the petitioner shall maintain all proper fire department access and water supply requirements as per chapter 18 of NFPA 1 as amended from time to time.

*Additional comments may follow throughout the remainder of the permitting process. The buildings shall be in compliance with All NFPA Standards prior to receiving Fire Department approval.



Plan Reviewer: Scott Longo | <>

Status: Pending Development Order



The services of an independent, experienced, qualified and certified Security Crime Prevention/ CPTED Consultant are highly recommended for objective and credible security review integrity.

This review does not guarantee a crime will never occur; it is an effort to mitigate opportunities for crime and to help avoid any present and future security deficiencies, conflicts, or liabilities that might occur without any review.


Miscellaneous: CPTED & Security Strengthening

If Light poles have electrical power outlets have a lock or power secure internal cutoff switch to deny unauthorized use by vagrants, etc. who loiter and trespass to charge their mobile phones, etc.




Plan Reviewer: Nathaniel Watson | <>

Status: Pending Development Order

NOTE: AS OF 4/26/2022 NEW COMMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN PROVIDED. What follows are comments previously provided for DRC Meeting on 8.18.2021.

1.                     Please note that additional comments may be forth-coming contingent upon future submittals to the PAM and/or DRC review process.

2.                     Please procure an approved Broward County EPD Surface Water Management permit or exemption for the proposed site and off-site work. Required during official Bldg. E-plan submittal.

3.                     Please procure an approved Broward County Wastewater Collection permit for the proposed sanitary sewer system. Required during official Bldg. E-plan submittal.

4.                     Please procure an approved FDEP permit for the proposed water main infrastructure. Required during official Bldg. E-plan submittal.   

5.                     Please note that the City shall only accept ownership of utility assets newly installed as discussed and verified prior. Older existing utility assets within a dedicated right-of-way shall remain private until upgraded to City standard.        

6.                     Please note that utilities intended to be converted to City public assets via a dedicated public right-of-way shall be designed as point of service connections to adjacent private lots with water metered services, boxed City accessible sewer lateral cleanouts and/or manholes or stormwater system appurtenances shown just at or behind the recorded property line as determined by the City. Utility assets on private property shall be private after the point of service. Utility connections shall be shown out of driveway approaches for maintenance and access purposes.    

7.                     421 -CU-105 Water & Sewer Plan proposes a new system connection along North Cypress Bend Drive. Please indicate that the any and all existing main line connections proposed to be within dedicated public right-of-way as accepted utility water main assets shall have such connections retired at the main as per City specification.

8.                     420-CU-104 & 421-CU-105 Water & Sewer Plan proposes a wastewater gravity system with manholes and coring into existing infrastructure. Please note that all proposed sewer manholes destined to be City infrastructure shall be sewper coated. 

9.                     Please note that meters 3” and larger are not stock items and are subject to an order lead-time of 60 to 75 days after the items are paid. Please order accordingly.     

10.                     Please attach all pertinent 2019 City Engineering Standard Details as they apply.

11.                     Please note that the proposed right-of-way drainage shall utilize ADS-HP HDPE pipe.

12.                     Please note that this overall design for the site shall be subject to the pending water and wastewater study.  




Plan Reviewer: David McGirr | <>

Status: Pending Development Order


The following comments must be addressed prior to the submission of these plans to the Building Division for formal plan review and permitting:

1.                     Submit/ upload the (BCEPMGD) Broward County Environmental Protection and Growth Management Division Surface Water Management permit or exemption for the proposed paving and drainage shown on the civil engineering drawings.

2.                     Submit / upload the (FDEP) Florida Department of Environmental Protection NPDES General Permit for the proposed storm water discharge from the proposed site construction activities.

3.                     Submit / upload the (FDEP) Florida Department of Environmental Protection (NOI) Notice of Intent for the proposed storm water discharge from the proposed site construction activities.

4.                     Submit / upload a copy the (BCEPGMD) Broward County Environmental Protection and Growth Management Division permit or written exemption from this agency for the proposed construction of the gravity sanitary sewer service lines shown on the civil engineering plans.

5.                     Submit / upload a copy the (FDEP) Florida Department of Environmental Protection permit or written exemption from this agency for the proposed construction of the gravity sanitary sewer service lines shown on the civil engineering plans.

6.                     Submit / upload a copy of the (FDEP) Florida Department of Environmental Protection permit or written exemption from this agency for the proposed potable water service line connections shown on the civil engineering drawing

7.                     Submit / upload a copy of the (FDOT) Florida Department of Transportation Utility construction permit for the proposed off-site potable water and sewer main or lines to be constructed within the road right-of-way of S. Powerline Rd.

8.                     Submit / upload a copy of the (FDOT) Florida Department of Transportation Driveway connection permit for the proposed driveway, roadway curb and gutter and sidewalk to be constructed within the road right-of-way of S. Powerline Rd.

9.                     Submit / upload a copy of the (FDOT) Florida Department of Transportation Driveway drainage connection permit for the proposed driveway, roadway curb and gutter and sidewalk to be constructed within the road right-of-way of S. Powerline Rd.

10.                     The proposed watermain and services, sanitary sewer connection to service this project and proposed drainage must be approved by the City of Pompano Beach Utilities Division.

11.                     Prior to the approval of the City Engineering division, the City’s Planning and Zoning Division must approve these plans.

12.                     Submit / Upload Broward County Traffic Engineering Division approval for the proposed off-site pavement marking and traffic signage plan.

13.                     Submit / Upload Broward County Highway Construction and Engineering Division for the proposed street roadway improvements (County roads). Submit copy of the approved permit or exemption. For the work to be constructed within the road right-of-way SW 3 St.

14.                     Place note on ALL landscape plans as per City Ordinance(s) §50.02(A) (4) and §100.35(E), that landscaping materials other than sod are not allowed within (5'') five feet of any portion of City owned utilities within the public street right-of-way including meters, hydrants, service lines etc. Also, please note that no trees, shrubbery or obstruction shall be placed within a 3’ radius of a City-owned sewer lateral cleanout or water &/or reuse meter. Show the location of all existing City owned and maintained potable water mains and services, sanitary sewer mains or laterals and storm drainage lines on the proposed landscape plans. Contact the Engineering Div. for Utility information. Engineering Standard street tree detail 316-1.

15.                     Show on all PGD plans truncated warning dome mats on the proposed off-site sidewalk where it intersects with driveways and public roadways. Place proposed COPB sidewalk warning dome mat construction detail drawing on the plans. Detail 318-1 ADA detectable warning mats.

16.                     Clearly define the proposed dedicated right-of-way on all plan sheets.

17.                     The proposed structures in the center of the right-of-way on Main Street?? Submit approvals from City.

18.                     The proposed private drainage and sanitary forcemains will require a revocable license agreement.


**** Please note - additional review comments may be issued by the City Engineering Division throughout the remainder of the permitting process while the civil engineering plans are being finalized for this project. ****




Plan Reviewer: Beth Dubow | <>

Status: Review Complete Pending Development Order


NOTE:  Owners of commercial properties are responsible for securing garbage collection service directly from Waste Management, Inc. or the current City franchise hauler.

NOTE:  Recycling collection is not required, but it is suggested.  Recycling collection service may be obtained from a recovered materials hauler.

NOTE:  As stated in the Pompano Beach Code of Ordinances, Chapter 96, including Section 96.12(D)(1), all construction and demolition debris removal is the responsibility of the owner.  All solid waste generated within the geographic boundaries of Pompano Beach shall be collected by the franchise collector (Waste Management at the time of this writing) and disposed of as directed by the city disposal agreement.  All materials shall be generated from the property on which the materials are placed for removal.  Information regarding container size and hauling costs may be found in Chapter 96, Section 96.13.

NOTE:  Additional comments may be necessary based upon revisions, additional plans and/or documents.  Contact Beth Dubow at 954-545-7047 or should you have any questions or concerns regarding this review.




Plan Reviewer: Nguyen Tran | <>

Status: Review Complete No Comments




Plan Reviewer: James DeMars | <> 

Status: Pending Development Order


Advisory Comments

A preliminary examination of the documents has been performed; additional comments may apply when completed plans and/or specifications have been submitted for permitting to the building department.

Buildings shall comply with all local, state and federal codes in effect at time of application, including FEMA Floodplain, NPDES and HVHZ regulations.

FBC_BCA 105.2.3 Public service agencies/other approvals. The building official shall require that the laws, rules and regulations of any other regulatory AHJ, and where such laws, rules and regulations are applicable and are known to the building official, shall be satisfied before a permit shall be issued. The building official shall require such evidence, as in his or her opinion is reasonable, to show such other approvals.

City Ordinance 53.16(A)(1) Construction sites and construction activities. construction sites and operations shall be required to maintain during and after all construction, development excavation or alteration operations, structural and non-structural best management practices with the intent to reduce pollutants and sediment in stormwater runoff.

City Ordinance 152.06(A): If applicable, contractor shall provide temporary screened fence complying with City Ordinance 152.06(B) through 152.06(G).

FBC 3306.1 Pedestrians shall be protected during construction, remodeling and demolition activities as required by this Chapter and Table 3306.1. Signs shall be provided to direct pedestrian traffic.

FBC A201.1 This code establishes standards for accessibility to places of public accommodation and commercial facilities by individuals with disabilities. All new or altered public buildings and facilities, private buildings and facilities, places of public accommodation and commercial facilities subject to this code shall comply with 2017 FBC Accessibility.

FBC A206.2.1 Site arrival points. At least one accessible route shall be provided within the site from accessible parking spaces complying with FBC A502 and accessible passenger loading zones complying with FBC A209; public streets and sidewalks; and public transportation stops to the accessible building or facility entrance they serve.

FBC_BCA Compliance with the specific minimum requirements of this code shall not be in itself deemed sufficient to assure that a building or structure complies with all of the requirements of this code. it is the responsibility of the architect and/or engineer of record for the building, structure or facility to determine through rational analysis what design requirements are necessary to comply with 2017 FBC.

1. FBC_BCA 107.1 As per the building official, separate building applications will be required for erosion control, site work, temporary fences, monumental signage and miscellaneous site structures.

2. FBC A208.2 Minimum number. Parking spaces complying with 502 shall be provided in accordance with table 208.2 except as required by 208.2.1, 208.2.2, and 208.2.3. Where more than one parking facility is provided on a site, the number of accessible spaces provided on the site shall be calculated according to the number of spaces required for each parking facility.

3. FBC A208.2.3.3 Parking for guests, employees, and other non-residents. Where parking spaces are provided for persons other than residents, parking shall be provided in accordance with table 208.2.

4. FBC A502.6 The enforcing agency will require parking space identification comply with the following code: signs shall include the international symbol of accessibility complying with FBC A703.7.2.1. Signs identifying van parking spaces when required By FBC A502.2 shall contain the designation “Van Accessible.” Reference Engineering Standard 300-5.

5. 1804.4 Site Grading. The ground immediately adjacent to the foundation shall be sloped away from the building at a slope of not less than one unit vertical in 20 units horizontal (5-percent slope) for a minimum distance of 10 feet measured perpendicular to the face of the wall. If physical obstructions or lot lines prohibit 10 feet of horizontal distance, a 5-percent slope shall be provided to an approved alternative method of diverting water away from the foundation. Swales used for this purpose shall be sloped a minimum of 2 percent where located within 10 feet of the building foundation. Impervious surfaces within 10 feet of the building foundation shall be sloped a minimum of 2 percent away from the building.

6. FBC_BCA It shall be the joint responsibility of any owner of real property upon which construction is occurring, and any contractor responsible for said construction, to ensure that all road rights-of-way remain free at all times of all construction waste and trash resulting from such construction, and that all waste and trash resulting from the construction are contained on the real property upon which the construction occurs.

7. FBC_BCA 109.3 Building Permit Valuations. The applicant for a permit shall provide an estimated permit value at a time of application. Permit valuations, shall include total value of work, including materials and labor, for which the permit is being issued, such as electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing equipment and permanent systems.


PLEASE NOTE: Applications that require resubmission to the DRC have 45 days from the time of original DRC meeting in which to resubmit. Applications that fail to be resubmitted before the completion of these 45 days, or fail to receive a time extension from the Development Services Director, shall be considered withdrawn (§155.2304.B).