File #: LN-85    Version: Name:
Type: PZB Submission Status: Passed
File created: 3/2/2021 In control: Planning and Zoning Board
On agenda: 5/26/2021 Final action: 5/26/2021
Attachments: 1. 3.17.21_DRC Documents, 2. 3.17.21_DRC Drawings, 3. 5/4/21 AAC Documents, 4. 5/4/21 AAC Drawings, 5. 5/26/21_PZB, 6. 5/26/21_PZB



Meeting Date: MAY 26, 2021






Request:                     Major Site Plan and Major Building Design

P&Z#                     20-12000050

Owner:                     City of Pompano Beach

Project Location:                     215-225 N. Pompano Beach Blvd.

Folio Number:                     484331010210

Land Use Designation:                     C (Commercial)

Zoning District:                     PD-I/AOD (Planned Development-Infill/Atlantic Boulevard Overlay District)

Commission District:                     1

Agent:                      Anthony Cook (954-786-4664)

Project Planner:                     Matt Edge






The following is a summary of information on the subject property. The applicant is requesting Major Site Plan approval in order to construct a new restaurant with 6,714 square feet of interior space and 2,640 square feet of outdoor patio space. This site plan is a part of a larger master plan for the beach and pier, which includes a parking garage, retail, hotel, and restaurant space west of Pompano Beach Blvd, and between NE 3rd Street and NE 2nd Street.  The original Master Plan adopted by the City Commission (Ordinance 2015-15) referrs to this portion of the lot as “Parcel R3,” which is based off a labeling convention on a phasing plan submitted with the rezoning.  The footprint of the proposed building and outdoor area is 9,354 square feet on a 181,574 square foot (4.168 acre) site (a lot coverage of 5%). This site plan was reviewed by the Development Review Committee on March 17, 2021 and received Major Building Design approval by the Architectural Appearance Committee on May 6, 2021.


The property is located on the northwest corner of NE 2nd Street and N Pompano Beach Boulevard.










An application for a Major Site Plan or Minor Site Plan shall be approved only on a finding that there is competent substantial evidence in the record that the development, as proposed:


1.                     Is consistent with the land use designation in the comprehensive plan;


The property has a Commercial (C) land use designation. The proposed restaurant is a compatible use for this land use category. The Development is consistent with the City of Pompano Beach Comprehensive Plan, and the Future Land Use Element Goals, Objectives and Policies contained therein:


Goal 01.00.00 The attainment of a living environment which provides the maximum physical, economic and social well-being for the City and its residents through the thoughtful and planned use and control of the natural and man-made environments that discourages urban sprawl, is energy efficient and reduces greenhouse gas emissions.


Policy 01.06.12 Review all land use plan map amendments, rezonings and site plan applications to ensure that there is sufficient wastewater collection and treatment facilities, potable water resources available and if reuse water is available, require it be used, and that they pose no noxious impacts to the Biscayne Aquifer.


Policy 01.14.01 The City shall emphasize re-development and infill, which concentrates the growth and intensifies the land uses consistent with the availability of existing urban services and infrastructure in order to conserve natural and manmade resources.


Policy 01.14.07 All site plans will be reviewed for Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) design principles such as lighting, street design, natural surveillance, natural access control, and territorial reinforcement. CPTED infrastructure such as security lighting, security cameras, bollards and other access control methods will be required based on the specific needs of the project.


2.                     Complies with the applicable district, use, and intensity and dimensional standards of this Code (Articles 3, 4, and 5);


Article 3:  Zoning Districts

The proposed development complies with the standards for development within the established PD-I (Planned Development-Infill) zoning district (Ord. 2015-15) and the Atlantic Boulevard Overlay District (AOD).


Article 4: Use Standards

The development proposes a nonresidential use that complies with the use-specific standards in Article 4: Use Standards and is consistent with section 155.4218.E: Restaurant.


Article 5: Development Standards

See section 3 below.


3.                     Complies with the applicable development standards of this Code (Article 5);


The DRC and project applicant have worked together to present a project that satisfies the requirements of Article 5 for new development requiring Major Site Plan approval, with exception of the conditions listed for approval.


The project has received Building Design approval from the Architectural Appearance Committee (AAC).


As part of the Major Site Plan and Building Design application, the applicant has developed a separate table

that addresses how the project will achieve the required sustainability points. The project has met the required 12 sustainability points for nonresidential and mixed-use development.


4.                     Complies with all other applicable standards in this Code;


The proposed site plan is in compliance with all other applicable standards of this Code.


5.                     Complies with all requirements or conditions of any prior applicable development orders or prior applicable approved plans on record.


The subject property is a vacant lot. There is no current site plan of record.


6.                     The concurrency review has been completed in accordance with Chapter 154 (Planning) of the Code of Ordinances;


Based on the calculations below, the proposed project complies with concurrency requirements.


Wastewater Treatment Demand                     11,585.00 gallons per day *

Water Treatment Demand                                          13,739.81 gallons per day *

Raw Water Demand                                                                14,838.995  gallons per day *

Park Acreage Required                                          N/A

School Impacts                                   N/A 

Transportation                                   Transit fees paid to the Broward County to

                                                           meet concurrency

Solid Waste Generation                     1,600-2,000.00 lbs. per day (City has a contract with the Waste Management for disposal of all solid waste through 2022)

* The City has adequate capacity to serve the proposed project.


7.                     Is designed to provide safe, adequate, paved vehicular access between buildings within the development and streets as identified on the Broward County Trafficways Plan;


The development does not abut streets that are identified on the Broward County Trafficways Plan and is designed to provide safe, adequate, paved vehicular access between the building and streets within the project’s boundaries.


8.                     Complies with any applicable hazardous material licensing requirements in the Broward County Wellfield Protection Ordinance;


The property is not located within a wellfield protection area as identified on the Broward County Wellfield Protection Zones map.


9.                     Complies with crime prevention security strengthening and CPTED standards for natural surveillance, natural access control, territorial reinforcement, maintenance and activity support;


As part of the Major Site plan and Building Design application, the applicant has developed a separate CPTED security plan, which addresses the CPTED standards for natural surveillance, natural access control, territorial reinforcement, maintenance and activity support.


10.                     Complies with adopted Fire Codes and Standards per City Code Section 95.02.


The proposed site plan was reviewed by a Fire Plans Examiner during DRC and will be required to meet all applicable standards before building permits are approved.


11.                     Considers and mitigates any potential adverse impacts on environmentally sensitive lands identified by the City Comprehensive Plan or Broward County Land Use Plan.


The proposed development is not within an area that will have impact on environmentally sensitive lands.


12.                     Complies with the approved Transportation Corridor Study, unless in direct conflict with another Zoning code provision.


The proposed development is not within a Transportation Corridor.




















Staff Conditions:                      



Pursuant to §155.2304.C, Applications Subject to Staff Recommendation, the Development Services Director has compiled the department reports from the Development Review Committee (DRC) meeting which are recorded on file with the Department of Development Services.  Should the Board find that the application has provided competent, substantial evidence to satisfy the review standards for Major Site Plan approval, the Development Services Department recommends approval of the Major Site Plan subject to the following comments and conditions: 


               1. Provide a parapets between 3-5 feet in height and cornices between 1-2 feet in depth.


               2. Provide screening on all roof-mounted mechanical equipment on all sides at a height that

               meets or exceeds the height of the equipment.


               3. Standard Conditions of Approval and/or Specifications required prior to Building

               Permit/ Zoning Compliance Permit issuance:

                         a. Include a copy of the approved CPTED plan, approved by the Broward Sheriff’s Office.

                         b. Compliance with all applicable City Ordinances, including but not limited to comments

                              issued by the Development Review Committee.

                         c. Substantial compliance with the plans, as submitted with this application.


               4. Revise the Master Sign Program to include proposed sign types and locations for this building.


               5. The proposed mural must be content-neutral and may not advertise the proposed business

               through images or copy unless proposed as signage (regulated by Ch. 156 Sign Code).