Meeting Date: JANUARY 7, 2025
Request: Master Sign Program
P&Z# 24-30000011
Project Location: 950 E McNab Rd
Folio Number: 494212280010
Land Use Designation: C (Commercial)
Zoning District: PCD (Planned Commercial/Industrial)
Commission District: 1 (Audrey Fesik)
Agent: Victor Gracias (954-588-0483 /
Project Planner: Saul Umana (954-786-4662/
The applicant is seeking approval for a Master Sign Program for the shopping plaza located at 950 East McNab Road. Pursuant to §155.2416 of the Pompano Beach Code of Ordinances, multi-tenant developments exceeding 5,000 square feet along designated arterial or collector roads are required to obtain Master Sign Program approval from the Architectural Appearance Committee (AAC) prior to securing a Zoning Compliance Permit.
This site was approved as a Planned Commercial/Industrial Development (PCD). Under the PCD rezoning approval, signage must comply with Chapter 156 of the Pompano Beach Code of Ordinances. At the time of the principal structure's AAC approval, two conditions were established: the creation of a Master Sign Program and the requirement for signage plans to return to the AAC for approval prior to building permit issuance. However, under updated Zoning Code requirements, the development is no longer subject to mandatory Master Sign Program approval, as it is not located on a major arterial or collector roadway. Please note that the under current Code requirements, the monument signs are still required to be approved by the AAC prior to the approval of a building permit.
The site comprises a mix of retail, restaurant, and self-storage uses. The retail and restaurant spaces, along with the self-storage leasing office, are located on the ground floor along McNab Road, designating this self-storage facility as a multi-tenant development.
For transparency, two building signs were mistakenly approved by staff without AAC review. These signs must now be incorporated into the Master Sign Program, including details such as font, size, and manufacturer specifications. Monument sign plans, which remain subject to AAC approval, are included in the application package for review.
The proposal outlines signage plans for seven retail stores, for a total of approximately 8,070 square feet, located on the ground floor, with a monument sign positioned at the driveway entrance. The plan includes seven internally-illuminated Plex Face Channel letter signs featuring white plex with a perforated vinyl overlay in the "Futura Bk BT" font style, placed as shown on the façade plan. The monument sign, standing 16 feet tall, incorporates perforated black letters matching the design of the wall signs, with a color scheme of Sherwin Williams Mineral Gray, Fine Wine, and grey tones. The landscaping plan complements the monument sign with 2-gallon Coco Plums planted at its base, spaced one foot apart.
The property is located on East McNab Road and west of South Federal Highway.
Pursuant to Section 155.2205, Code of Ordinances, the Architectural Appearance Committee may require such changes in plans and specifications as, in its judgment may be requisite and appropriate to ensure that the exterior appearance of buildings and structures enhances the aesthetic character of the surrounding development by complying with the architectural appearance standards of this Code and approved design guidelines.
Zoning | Existing Uses
A. Subject property (Zoning | Existing Use):
Planned Commercial Development| Self-Storage with mixed use ground floor retail
B. Surrounding Properties (Zoning District | Existing Use):
1) North - General Business (B3) | Shopping Plaza
2) South - General Business (B3) | Residential Complex
3) East - General Business (B3) | CVS Pharmacy
4) West - Public Utilities (PU) | Utilities
Staff Conditions:
The Planning and Zoning Division has reviewed and evaluated the Master Sign Program submitted to the City of Pompano to determine its conformity with applicable City Codes and requirements. If approved by the Architectural Appearance Committee, staff recommends including the following conditions:
1. The approval of a Sign Code Compliance Permit must be obtained before or concurrently with a building permit for each sign.
2. Specify the maximum allowable letter height for tenant signs that have two subject lines.