File #: LN-220    Version: Name:
Type: PZB Submission Status: Passed
File created: 1/5/2022 In control: Planning and Zoning Board
On agenda: 8/23/2023 Final action: 5/2/2023
Attachments: 1. DRC, 2. DRC, 3. DRC Documents, 4. DRC, 5. DRC, 6. DRC, 7. DRC, 8. DRC, 9. DRC, 10. DRC, 11. AAC, 12. AAC Drawings_05-02-2023, 13. AAC Drawings_05-02-2023, 14. AAC Drawings_05-02-2023, 15. PZB, 16. PZB, 17. Letter to Jean Dolan Re Citi Centre deferral.pdf, 18. 7.13.23 letter to Jean Dolan requesting deferral(54922278.1).pdf, 19. PZB, 20. PZB, 21. PZB Drawings, 22. PZB Documents



Meeting Date: AUGUST 23, 2023






Request:                     Major Site Plan and Building Design

P&Z#                     21-12000042

Owner:                     SVAP Pompano Citi Centre, LP.

Project Location:                     1190-1200 E. Copans Rd

Folio Number:                     Multiple Folios

Land Use Designation:                     Commercial

Zoning District:                     B-3/PCD (General Business Planned                                   Commercial Overlay)

Commission District:                     2 (Rhonda Eaton)

Agent:                      Shane Zalonis (954-527-6258)

Project Planner:                     Pamela Stanton (954-786-5561 /     




The applicant is requesting Major Site Plan approval in order to construct a new multi-family development with 356 dwelling units on a portion of the Pompano Citi Centre Shopping Mall site that will be carved out as a 12.1 acre (529,005 square foot) parcel with 26% lot coverage. The project consists of eight 4-story buildings with a clubhouse, amenities, landscaping and surface parking with detached garage buildings. A segment of the existing Citi Centre perimeter/loop road will be relocated around the exterior of the new development, inside of the Citi Centre and adjacent to the existing mall parking. Access to the new development will be via a driveway off the perimeter/loop road.


A traffic study was prepared in order to assess the proposed re-routing of the internal circulation roadway to accommodate the residential development. The development’s main entrance was shifted eastward to a location that was deemed a safer vehicular ingress/egress point as a result of a review of the traffic study.


The site plan application is directly related to the agenda items to rezone the new parcel that is carved out of the Citi Centre site to RM-30, and to amend the Citi Centre PCD Master Plan to address the changes that result from the removal of the residential parcel from the Master Plan.


The property is located at approximately the south west portion of the Pompano Citi Center Shopping Mall site, which is located at the south west corner of East Copans Rd and North Federal Hwy.











An application for a Major Site Plan or Minor Site Plan shall be approved only on a finding that there is competent substantial evidence in the record that the development, as proposed:


1.                     Is consistent with the land use designation in the comprehensive plan;


The land use designation on this 12.1 acre parcel was changed from Commercial to an irregular residential density of 29.5 units per acre in 2021 (Ordinance 2022-01). The parcel is proposed to be rezoned from B-3/PCD to RM 30 to bring the zoning district into compliance with the land use category.


Policy 01.05.01. Continue to require all substantial improvement, new development and redevelopment to be consistent with the minimum finished floor elevations as specified in the Federal Emergency Management Agency Flood Insurance requirements, the South Florida Building Code, Chapter 152 of the City’s Code of Ordinances and future maps being prepared to determine appropriate finished floor elevations and crown of road elevations based on adopted sea level rise projections.


Policy 01.14.07. All site plans will be reviewed for Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) design principles such as lighting, street design, natural surveillance, natural access control, and territorial reinforcement. CPTED infrastructure such as security lighting, security cameras, bollards and other access control methods will be required based on the specific needs of the project.


2.                     Complies with the applicable district use, and intensity and dimensional standards of this Code (Articles 3, 4, and 5);


Article 3:  Zoning Districts


The project will be in compliance with use, intensity and dimensional standards for RM-30 Zoning Districts once the Rezoning from B-3/PCD to RM-30 application is complete.


Article 4: Use Standards


The development site is being rezoned from B-3/PCD to RM-30. The proposed multi-family development is allowed in RM-30 Zoning Districts.


Article 5: Development Standards


See Section 3 below.


3.                     Complies with the applicable development standards of this Code (Article 5);


The project generally complies with applicable Access, Parking and Loading requirements, Landscaping and Tree Preservation requirements, screening, fence, wall, exterior lighting, requirements, applicable design standards and sustainable development standards.


4.                     Complies with all other applicable standards in this Code;


The proposed site plan will comply with applicable standards in the Code.


5.                     Complies with all requirements or conditions of any prior applicable Development Orders;


No prior applicable Development Orders are in place.


6.                     The concurrency review has been completed in accordance with Chapter 154 <$jumplink_x=Advanced$jumplink_vpc=first$jumplink_xsl=querylink.xsl$jumplink_sel=title;path;content-type;home-title;item-bookmark$jumplink_d=$jumplink_q=%5bfield%20folio-destination-name:'Ch.%20154'%5d$jumplink_md=target-id=JD_Ch.154> (Planning) of the Code of Ordinances;


Based on the estimated demand calculated below, the proposed project complies with concurrency requirements.

Wastewater Treatment Demand

88,000.00 gallons per day *

Water Treatment Demand

16,368.00 gallons per day *

Raw Water Demand

17,677.44 gallons per day *

Park Acreage Required


School Impacts

Broward County School Capacity Availability Determination (SCAD) must be provided.


Transit fees are paid to the Broward County to meet concurrency.

Solid Waste Generation

3,132.80 lbs. per day (City has a contract with the Waste Management for disposal of all solid waste through 2027)

* The City has adequate treatment capacity to serve the proposed project.


7.                     Is designed to provide safe, adequate, paved vehicular access between buildings within the development and streets as identified on the Broward County Trafficways Plan;


The project was designed to provide safe and adequate paved vehicular access between the proposed buildings and the adjacent public streets as identified on the Broward County Trafficways Plan. The primary ingress/egress locations for the project are located on the abutting Pompano Citi Centre property. In order for these primary means of ingress/egress, the applicant must provide recorded Access Easement Agreements between the project site and the Citi Centre property.


8.                     Complies with any applicable hazardous material licensing requirements in the Broward County Wellfield Protection Ordinance;


The Property is not located within a wellfield protection area.  The Development does not anticipate requiring any hazardous material licensing.


9.                     Complies with crime prevention security strengthening and CPTED standards for natural surveillance, natural  


As part of the Major Site Plan and Building Design application, the applicant’s team has developed a separate CPTED security plan that addresses the CPTED standards for natural surveillance, natural access control, territorial reinforcement, maintenance and activity support.


10.                     Complies with the adopted Fire Codes and Standards pursuant to City Code Section 95.02;


The proposed site plan was reviewed by Fire Plans Examiner during DRC.


11.                     Considers and mitigates any potential adverse impacts on environmentally sensitive lands identified by the City Comprehensive Plan or Broward County Land Use Plan;


Not applicable.


12.                     Complies with the approved Transportation Corridor Study, unless in direct conflict with another Zoning Code provision.


The project is not located directly on a roadway that is identified in the Transportation Corridor Study, but is located behind an existing development on North Federal Highway that is identified in the Study.



































Staff Conditions:


1.                     The Applicant must successfully obtain approval of the Rezoning of the project parcel and the amendment of the Citi Centre PCD Master Plan, prior to building permit approval.

2.                     Provide a copy of the final plat note amendment (or revised plat) to add residential entitlements, prior to permit approval.

3.                     Show the locations of the EV charging stations and conduit for future EV charging stations on the plans, prior to permit approval.

4.                     Provide evidence of owner acceptance of the plant material for the proposed landscaping on the adjacent golf course property, and define the maintenance responsibility for landscaping.

5.                     Provide evidence of easements allowing cross-access to and from properties served by a vehicular cross-access, along with agreements defining maintenance responsibilities of property owners, recorded with the Broward County Records Division prior to permit approval.

6.                     Provide evidence that the Affordable Housing condition at the Moderate Level was satisfied prior to permit approval.

7.                     Provide evidence of approval from the pertinent agencies to permit off-site drainage and from the Citi Centre Shopping Centre owners to allow the residential development drainage improvements on the Shopping Center property prior to permit approval.

8.                     Standard conditions of approval and/or specifications required prior to Building Permit/Zoning Compliance Permit issuance:

a.                     Provide a copy of the final Plat prior to permit approval.

b.                     Address issues related to utility easements prior to permit approval.

c.                     Provide evidence that the Sustainable Development Point requirement has been met, with multifamily residential development required to achieve at least ten points from Table 155.5802, Sustainable Development Options and Points.

d.                     A copy of the CPTED plan and narrative approved by the Broward Sheriff’s Office must be submitted for Zoning Compliance Permit approval.

e.                     Prior to Zoning Compliance Permit approval, a final School Capacity Availability Determination (SCAD) letter from the Broward County School Board must be provided to confirm that student capacity is available.

f.                     Plans are subject to compliance with all applicable Code requirements, including but not limited to DRC comments issued for this site plan.

g.                     Landscape and Irrigation Plans must comply with Zoning Code requirements as verified by the City’s Urban Forestry Division.