File #: LN-44    Version: Name:
Type: PZB Submission Status: Passed
File created: 11/30/2020 In control: Planning and Zoning Board
On agenda: 1/27/2021 Final action: 1/27/2021
Attachments: 1. 1/27/21 PZB Meeting



Meeting Date: JANUARY 27, 2021






Request:                     Local and County LUPA

P&Z#                     20-92000006

Owner:                     SVAP Pompano LP & Burdines Real Estate Inc.

Project Location:                     1190-1200 NE 23 Street & 1600 NE 23 Street

Folio Number:                     484225070014, 484225070013

Land Use Designation:                     C

Zoning District:                     B-3/ PCD

Commission District:                     2

Agent:                      Dennis D. Mele, Esq. (954-527-2409)

Project Planner:                     Jean Dolan (954-786-4045) /






A.                     Request

The Applicant is requesting to change the entitlements for a 12.1 acre site (gross acres and net acres are the same in this case) previously part of the Citi Centre Mall property located at the southwest corner of Copans Road and Federal Highway.  The portion of the Citi Centre Mall subject to this amendment is currently occupied by the now empty building that was formerly used by the Burdines and then Macy’s Department Stores and the associated parking field.  The existing building on the site will be demolished in order for the multi-family project to be constructed.


B.                     Proposed Development and Net Change n Entitlements

The Applicant is proposing to change the Land Use entitlements to allow 356 garden-style apartments. The Applicant is being conservative in their calculation of existing entitlements.











Type of Land Use

Current Entitlements Per City Plan* (per Applicant)

Proposed Entitlements for Residential Land Use

Net Change


2,500,000 SF

29.5 units per acres (356 units)

-2,500,000 SF Commercial +356 residential units

*The Comprehensive Plan allows an FAR of 6 (60% lot coverage and 105’ height) for Commercial land uses which equates to 3,162,456 SF of vested rights for this 12.1 acre parcel.  The Applicant has chosen to use 2,500,000 SF to calculate their vested rights and the change in public facility impacts. 


 Applicant’s Rationale for the Proposed Amendment


The Subject Property is part of the Pompano Citi Centre Shopping Mall and is developed with a former Macy’s department store and associated parking. When this shopping mall was originally constructed in 1970, it was one of the only enclosed malls in Broward County. It was designed like a typical shopping mall of that era with an internal corridor that connected all the individual tenants. In 2004 the shopping center was redesigned and the internal connectivity was removed. With this redesign, the Macy’s store became isolated from the rest of the center on the back-side of the center and had very poor visibility.


The trend in apparel retail during the past few years has been a move away from apparel focused department stores to retail boutiques and fast fashion stores. In addition, there have been many bankruptcies in the retail sector due to the impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic. COVID-19 will likely impact the way people shop well into the future which will continue to reduce the need for brick and mortar stores as people continue to do much of their shopping on-line. All of these factors combined led this Macy’s store to close and it is unlikely that the store could be successful going forward. With the conversion of the Subject Property to residential, the remaining tenants in Pompano Citi Centre would benefit from the residents living on-site that will become patrons of those businesses.


The Subject Property is surrounded on two sides by commercial development and on two sides by the City’s municipal golf course. As a result, the proposed development will be separated from existing single-family development north of Copans Road by existing commercial development.  The analysis of the proposed amendment documents that there are existing adequate public facilities available to serve the proposed development. For these reasons, the proposed amendment will not have any negative impacts on the immediate area or the City as a whole.


Although the Subject Property is not located in a designated community redevelopment area (CRA), the Citi Centre is in need of redevelopment of the existing vacant space. The proposed amendment will facilitate sustainable infill redevelopment on a portion of the Citi Centre and provide additional patrons for the commercial uses in the area.




Surrounding Land Uses

The future land use designations and existing uses of the properties immediately surrounding the subject property are summarized as follows:





Land Use






Future Land Use Map Designation

Commercial (C)

Commercial (C)

Open Space/ Recreation (OR)

Commercial (C)

Open Space/ Recreation (OR)

Existing Uses

Regional Mall

Regional Mall

Golf Course

Regional Mall

Golf Course


C.                     Impact Analysis

The results of the impact analyses are provided below:


Sanitary Sewer

The net impact on sanitary sewer treatment demand from the change in entitlements is a decrease of -39,400 gallons per day (0.04 MGD). Broward County Water and Wastewater Services has provided a letter verifying that there is adequate wastewater treatment plant capacity to continue to serve the proposed sanitary sewer treatment demand generated by development on this parcel.


Potable Water

The net impact on potable water demand from the proposed amendment is a decrease of 42,304 gallons per day (0.04 MGD). Broward County Water and Wastewater Services has provided a letter verifying that there is adequate water supply and water treatment plant capacity to continue to serve the proposed amendment.



The City of Pompano Beach completed a Citywide Stormwater Management Master Plan (SMMP) in 2013, which includes a list of recommended stormwater capital improvement projects throughout the City.  The subject property was not identified as having any existing drainage issues and no capital improvements are proposed for the associated drainage basin in the SMMP.


Solid Waste

The net impact on solid waste demand from a maximum build-out of the proposed entitlements is a decrease of 96,832 pounds per day.  A letter from the solid waste provider (Waste Management, Inc., of Florida) has been provided to verify the intent to continue to provide solid waste disposal services to the City and this site.


Recreation and Open Space

The additional 356 residential units will increase the population by an estimated 762 people.  The adopted park level of service of 5 acres/1,000 residents results in a demand for 3.8 acres of recreational land. The City has adequate park land to serve this increase in population based on the existing park inventory.  In addition, the project will provide some onsite open space amenities as part of the site plan approval process.


Mass Transit

The subject property is serviced by both the Pompano Beach Community Bus System and Broward County Transit (BCT) routes.


Traffic Impact

According to the Applicant’s analysis, the traffic generation resulting from the amendment results in a net decrease of 2,014 PM peak hour trips.  It must be noted that the Applicant is providing a low estimate of the reduction in trips by (1) only using 2,500,000 SF of commercial entitlements compared to the over 3 million square feet that the Commercial land use actually allows and by (2) using an office trip rate which is lower than the retail trip rate or a blended office/retail rate that could easily be justified. A traffic study to analyze traffic patterns and specific impacts on the immediate vicinity will be required as part of the rezoning of the parcel.


Natural and Historic Resources

The property is fully developed as part of a regional mall.  No record of historic or archaeological resources were found on or near the subject property.


 Affordable Housing

The proposed amendment must address affordable housing to comply with County policy 2.16.2 which suggests a 15% set aside or buy-out of the requirement for affordable housing for all residential land use plan amendments that create more than 100 additional residential units. The Applicant intends to restrict 15% of the proposed housing units to moderate income families making no more than 120% of the County’s median income based on family size. A declaration of restrictive covenants will be recorded to document this commitment.


Land Use Compatibility

This proposed land use plan amendment is compatible with existing adjacent land use designations and existing land uses.


Hurricane Evacuation

The subject property is not within a hurricane evacuation area. 


Redevelopment Analysis

The subject property is not located within one of the Community Redevelopment Areas. 


Intergovernmental Coordination

The subject property is not adjacent to any other local governments.


Public Education

The School Board of Broward County has reviewed the land use plan amendment and found the area schools have the capacity to serve the students projected to live within this community.


D.  Consistency with Goals, Objectives and Policies of the City's Land Use Plan


Goal 01: The attainment of a living environment which provides the maximum physical, economic and social well-being for the City and its residents through the thoughtful and planned use and control of the natural and man-made environments that discourages urban sprawl, is energy efficient and reduces greenhouse gas emissions.


Policy 01.01.02

Review all proposals for development or redevelopment and base the approval of same on the continued maintenance of all adopted Level of Service Standards which may be adjusted over time to address the impacts of sea level rise and climate change.


Policy 01.01.05

Review proposals for new development, including future land use plan amendments, to identify the cumulative impacts of the proposed development on public services and facilities.


Policy 01.01.11

Require that all future land use map amendments ensure the availability of potable water supplies and water supply facilities, and reuse where available.


Policy 01.01.18

Future Land Use Plan amendments that create 100 additional residential units or more will be reviewed in conformance with County policy 2.16.2 in regard to affordable housing.


Policy 01.03.04

Consider the preservation of established single family neighborhoods in all rezonings, land use plan amendments and site plan approvals.


Policy 01.03.05

All Land Use Plan Map amendments and rezonings shall provide for the orderly transition of varying residential land use designations. 


Policy 01.03.09

Discourage Future Land Use Map amendments, rezonings or other methods that would place residential units into or adjoining industrial land use designations. 


Policy 01.03.11

Consider the compatibility of adjacent land uses in all Land Use Plan amendments and rezonings.


Objective 01.04.00 - Major Corridor Land Use

Support and promote the intermix of residential and commercial uses along major traffic corridors.


Policy 01.04.01

The Planning Department shall support and promote the intermix of residential and commercial uses along major traffic corridors, where mass transit is available, through the allocation of flex  and redevelopment units and approval of land use plan map amendments allowing for mixed use and residential developments.


Policy 01.06.01

Consider and minimize the impacts that land use amendments, rezonings or site plan approvals have on natural resources, including wetlands, and culturally, historically, archaeologically and paleontologically significant resources.


Policy 01.06.12

Review all land use plan map amendments, rezonings and site plan applications to ensure that there is sufficient wastewater collection and treatment facilities, potable water resources available and if reuse water is available, require it be used, and that they pose no noxious impacts to the Biscayne Aquifer.


Policy 01.14.01

The City shall emphasize re-development and infill, which concentrates the growth and intensifies the land uses consistent with the availability of existing urban services and infrastructure in order to conserve natural and man-made resources.

















Staff Recommendations:                      


E. Alternative Motions


(1)                     Motion to recommend approval of the proposed Citi Centre Future Land Use Map Amendment as the Board finds the proposed map change compatible with adjacent uses and the Goals, Objectives and Policies in the Comprehensive Plan.


(2)                     Motion to table the proposed Future Land Use Map Amendment to allow further analysis of any issues raised by the Board, Staff, Applicant or the general public.


(3)                     Motion to recommend denial of the proposed Future Land Use Map Amendment as the Board finds it to be incompatible with the Goals, Objectives and Policies in the Comprehensive Plan as provided in the staff report.


Staff recommends motion number (1).