Presentation of Internal Audit Activity Report Memorandum 22-03 for completed and ongoing audit projects, technical assistance as well as follow up for implementations from previous audit project recommendations covering the 10-month period from April 2021 through February 2022.
(Fiscal Impact: N/A)
(Staff Contact: Deusdedit C. (DC) Kiyemba)
Summary Explanation/Background:
Present summarized highlights of completed and on-going audit projects, technical assistance and follow up performed by Internal Audit Department/Division staff for the 10-month period from April 2021 through February 2022 to the City Commission. The Summary Activity Report provides a dashboard summary with risk ratings and current status update of the audit projects after Internal Audit recommendations are implemented. As indicated on the dashboard, many of the audits included the City’s Strategic Plan Objectives as well as the follow up for implementations as needed for any audit previously performed. Also, a detailed section is included in the Activity Report for further understanding.
Origin of request for this action: Deusdedit C. (DC) Kiyemba
Fiscal impact and source of funding: N/A
RStrategic Plan Initiative
Strategic Plan Initiative(s)/Objective(s): GOAL 5 - Quality and Affordable Services -
(1) Fixed assets Count - Type 166 Equipment (2) External Audit Assistance - Audit of the State and Federal Grants (3) Audit Standard Operating Procedures of one Major Division of a Department (4) Technical Assistance as requested by City Departments for review and consulting regarding Professional License or Service Agreements and for Follow Up Section: Audit of selected Annual Revenue or Expenses in excess of $500,000 (½ Million) - Air Park Revenue Generating Contracts, Perform Audit per Management Request - Purchase Card Follow Up