Approve ranking order for RFP E-24-23, Janitorial Services, and authorize staff to negotiate contracts with the highest ranked companies for group 1: SFM Services, Inc., and for group 2: Janitorial 5 Star Services LLC.
(Fiscal Impact: No cost at this time)
(Staff Contact: Brian Donovan/Carla Byrd)
Summary Explanation/Background:
Request for Proposal (RFP) E-24-23 was issued to obtain proposals to provide janitorial services to the City. The services have been divided into geographical groups. Group 1 consists of Pompano Beach City Hall, Commission Chambers, Fire Administration, Fire Training, and Fire Logistics. Group 2 consists of the Public Works, Utilities Environmental Services, and Code Enforcement Departments. City Commission approval of the ranking order presented by the Selection/Evaluation Committee is requested, and authorization is requested for appropriate City staff to negotiate contracts with the respective highest ranked companies for groups 1 and 2, as previously detailed. Further authorization is requested to continue with the succeeding ranked company for each group should an impasse occur in the negotiations with the recommended company. The General Services Department notified twelve (12) local Pompano Beach companies to inform them of this solicitation. The recommended company for group 2 is a local Pompano Beach business. This solicitation was assigned a 10% Local Business participation goal. The recommended companies have committed to meeting that goal. Commission approval is requested.
Origin of request for this action: Staff
Fiscal impact and source of funding: No cost at this time