Approve ranking order for RFQ P-32-20, Planning and Design Services for Riverside Drive Streetscape Improvements, and authorize staff to negotiate and enter into a contract with the highest ranked company, Marlin Engineering, Inc. (No cost at this time).
(Fiscal Impact: N/A)
(Staff Contact: Horacio Danovich)
Summary Explanation/Background:
Request for Qualifications (RFQ) P-32-20 was issued to establish a contract to provide Planning and Design Services to the City for Riverside Drive Streetscape Improvements. City Commission approval of the ranking order presented by the Selection/Evaluation Committee is requested, and authorization is requested for appropriate City staff to negotiate and enter into a contract with the highest ranked company, Marlin Engineering, Inc. Further authorization is requested to continue with the succeeding ranked companies/firms, should an impasse occur in the negotiations with the recommended company. This solicitation is a transportation surtax funded project. Commission approval is requested.
Origin of request for this action: Staff
Fiscal impact and source of funding: No cost at this time