Meeting Date: JANUARY 16, 2025
Request: Variance
P&Z# 24-11000014
Owner: Catherine Takourian
Project Location: 551 SE 18 Ave
Folio Number: 494306310520
Land Use Designation: L (Low 1-5 DU/AC)
Zoning District: RS-3 (Single-Family Residence 3)
Agent: Paola West
Project Planner: Scott Reale
Applicant Landowner is requesting a VARIANCE from the following provisions:
1. Section 155.4302(B)(2)(h) [General Standards for All Accessory Uses and Structures] to allow a canopy structure and outdoor bar to be located within the property's required rear yard setback abutting a waterway, rather than providing a minimum 15-foot setback as required by code.
2. Section 155.4303(NN)(3)(b) [Setback Requirements for Gazebos] to allow a canopy structure and outdoor bar to be located along the property's interior side lot line rather than providing a minimum 5-foot setback as required by code.
3. Section 155.5302(D)(5)(a) [Height Requirements in Rear Yard Corner Triangle] to allow an 8-foot high canopy structure within the rear yard corner triangle, rather than adhering to the 3-foot high limit or relocating the structure outside of the sight visibility triangle as required by code.
The property is located on the west side of SE 18th Avenue, between SE 5th Court and SE 6th Street in the Cypress Cove subdivision.
?155.4302. GENERAL
B. General Standards for All Accessory Uses and Structures
2. Prohibited Location of Accessory Uses and Structures
h. Within 15 feet of a property line abutting a waterway or canal
NN. Gazebo
3. Standards
b. Setback
i. The structure may be located within an interior side yard setback or a rear yard setback, but shall be located at least three feet from a side or rear lot line.
ii. The structure located closer than five feet...
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