Request of ratification by City Commission for emergency procurement of wastewater main repairs from DBF Construction in the amount of $278,978.56.
(Fiscal Impact: $278,978.56)
(Staff Contact: Nathaniel Watson)
Summary Explanation/Background:
In accordance with the City Code of Ordinance, Section 32.46 "Emergency Procurement”, the City Manager authorized issuing an emergency Purchase Order to repair an 18” Forcemain along S. Cypress Road, South of SW 2nd Street in Pompano Beach, FL. The City of Pompano Beach maintains two competitively solicited utility repair contracts (Ordinance 2020-29). Each contract has a clause (Article 4) that permits additional quotes from a different contractor. The Utilities Department Memorandum No. 25-20 includes the details of the repair. To prevent a threat to public health and minimize the disruption of utility services, Purchase Order ? was issued to DBF Construction in the amount of $278,978.56. City Commission approval is requested to ratify the actions taken by City staff.
Origin of request for this action: Utilities
Fiscal impact and source of funding: The requested emergency repair service will be funded through budgeted account: #420-7248-535-6512