Meeting Date: OCTOBER 1, 2024
Request: Building Design
P&Z# 23-12000036
Owner: Kaja Properties Inc
Project Location: 3685 N Federal Hwy
Folio Number: 484318010100
Land Use Designation: C (Commercial)
Zoning District: B-3 (General Business)
Commission District: 2 (Rhonda Eaton)
Agent: Paola West (954-529-9417 /
Project Planner: Pamela Stanton (954-786-5561 /
The applicant is requesting Building Design approval for a Minor Site Plan application for a 4,900 square foot drive-thru car wash on 0.86 acres. The project received a Variance to allow a drive-thru service within 100 feet of a residential Zoning District, and a Special Exception to permit the Car Wash Use in a B-3 Zoning District.
The applicant is pursuing Vernacular or Superior Design Alternative approval for relief from the regulation of Section 155.5602.C.7.b, where all ground-level windows on street-facing facades must be transparent. The project includes grey spandrel glass with a white insert in lieu of transparent windows facing North Federal Hwy. The applicant has selected Option #3 from the AAC Supplemental Criteria for the Vernacular or Superior Design Alternative. Option #3 is: materials of exceptional or extraordinary quality are applied in a manner that is pronounced and visible from public areas.
The Major Site Plan application was reviewed by the Development Review Committee (DRC) on July 17 and September 4, 2024.
The property is located on the west side of North Federal Hwy and north of Sample Rd.
Pursuant to Section 155.2205, Code of Ordinances, the Architectural Appearance Committee may require such changes in plans and specifications as, in its judgment may be requisite and appropriate to ensure that the exterior appearance of buildings and structures enhances the aesthetic character of the surrounding development by complying with the archi...
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