Approve ranking order for RFP E-29-23 Emergency Management Automated Data Management System and authorize staff to negotiate a contract with the highest ranked company, DebrisTech, LLC. (No cost at this time)
(Fiscal Impact: N/A)
(Staff Contact: Russell Ketchem)
Summary Explanation/Background:
Request for Proposals (RFP) E-29-23 was issued to obtain responses from firms to provide monitoring equipment and software for an emergency debris management system. City Commission approval of the ranking order presented by the Selection/Evaluation Committee is requested and authorization is requested for appropriate City staff to negotiate a contract with the highest-ranked company, DebrisTech, LLC. Further authorization is requested to continue with the succeeding ranked companies should an impasse occur in the negotiations with the recommended company. Commission approval is requested. Any resulting contract from this solicitation would be a standby contract, activated during emergencies. Costs incurred by the vendor just before, during or following a declared disaster, would be subject to FEMA reimbursement.
Origin of request for this action: Staff
Fiscal impact and source of funding: No cost at this time.