Approval to award Invitation to Bid (ITB) E-09-23 NW 16th Lane Stormwater Improvements (State Revolving Fund) to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Marcdan, Inc., at a cost of $2,082,937.00.
(Fiscal Impact: $2,082,937.00)
(Staff Contact: Tammy Good/Anthony Alhashemi)
Summary Explanation/Background:
Invitation to Bid (ITB) E-09-23 was issued to obtain bids to establish a contract for a new complete stormwater collection system. This project consists of installing storm drainage water piping, signage, and reconstructing project roadways, swales, and thermoplastic pavement markings. The project area includes portions of NW 16th Lane, portions of Copan’s Road, and portions of NW 17th Lane, in Pompano Beach, Florida. This work is required to improve surface water runoff collection and provide safe passage for pedestrian and vehicular traffic throughout the area. The improved surface water runoff collection will also provide additional flood protection. Bid award is recommended to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Marcdan, Inc., at a cost of $2,082,937.00. The General Services Department notified twenty-five (25) local storm drainage companies to inform them about this project. City Commission approval of this contract award is requested.
Origin of request for this action: Staff
Fiscal impact and source of funding: SRF Loan of $2,082,937.00 from account 426-7677-538.65-12 Capital Projects Fund/Project 20-398 Stormwater NW 16 LN 22 SW 05.